SSAC designs and manufactures electronic controls for original equipment manufacturers: commercial appliances, heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, vending equipment, pumping equipment, elevators, etc.; for process control and automation designers; obstruction lighting control designers; and for a large group of industrial customers and service contractors. Sales representatives and stocking distributors are located throughout the world. May 31, 2010 SSAC was sold to the shareholders of SymCom Inc. of Rapid City, South Dakota. All the employees were offered positions with the newly formed SSAC LLC. company. Most elected to stay and help SSAC grow within the new privately held structure. Prior History: April 2001, a friendly takeover bid for the Entrelec Group was launched by ABB Inc. This takeover bid was accepted and finalized in June 2001, thereby integrating Entrelec and thus SSAC Inc. into the ABB Group.
供应商: corestaff
供应商: corestaff
供应商: corestaff
供应商: corestaff
供应商: corestaff
供应商: Bristol Electronics
供应商: Quest Components
供应商: Allied Electronics & Automation