For over 50 years, OTTO has been designing and manufacturing a full line of products for unique and demanding applications. Located in Carpentersville, Illinois, we are recognized worldwide for superior performance and innovative products. OTTO is a vertically integrated manufacturer with in-house injection molding, stamping, CNC machining, cable assembly and cable overmolding capabilities.

供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Chaves multidirecionais
描述: Chaves multidirecionais Stadium Press Fit Low-Level Black
Categoriadeproduto: Chavesmultidirecionais Fabricante: OTTO Marca: OTTO Série: T5 Quantidadedopacotedefábrica: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Pushbutton Switches
描述: Pushbutton Switches 5/8 Threaded 10A SPDT Gold Cmrcl
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Interruptores oscilantes iluminados
描述: Interruptores oscilantes iluminados (3-4) NONE OFF SPST
Categoriadeproduto: Interruptoresoscilantesiluminados Fabricante: OTTO Marca: OTTO Quantidadedopacotedefábrica: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Pushbutton Switches
描述: Pushbutton Switches Standard Sldr 5A SPST-DB, SPDT-DB
ProductCategory: PushbuttonSwitches Manufacturer: OTTO Series: P7 Brand: OTTO FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Pushbutton Switches
描述: Pushbutton Switches Standard 5A SPST-DB, SPDT-DB
ProductCategory: PushbuttonSwitches Manufacturer: OTTO Series: P7 Brand: OTTO FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: zvuaycttxweydexwvcyvbzsvwye
描述: Interruptores tipo botão de pressão 5A Blk Flush Dome 2 Circuit QC
Categoriadeproduto: Interruptorestipobotãodepressão Fabricante: OTTO Série: P9 Marca: OTTO Quantidadedopacotedefábrica: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Pushbutton Switches
描述: Pushbutton Switches Alternate Action 10A SPST, SPDT
ProductCategory: PushbuttonSwitches Manufacturer: OTTO Brand: OTTO Series: P5 FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Pushbutton Switches
描述: Pushbutton Switches Low-Level Mil Sldr 5A SPST-DB, SPDT-DB
ProductCategory: PushbuttonSwitches Manufacturer: OTTO Brand: OTTO Series: P7 FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Pushbutton Switches
描述: Pushbutton Switches Momentary Turret SPDT 3 Term Black
ProductCategory: PushbuttonSwitches Manufacturer: OTTO Brand: OTTO Series: P4 FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Многонаправленные переключатели
描述: Многонаправленные переключатели IOUD Hat Press Fit Standard Black
Категорияпродукта: Многонаправленныепереключатели Производитель: OTTO Торговаямарка: OTTO Серия: T4 Размерфабричнойупаковки: 1