Founded in 1989, Lantronix has been a leader in providing smart Internet of Things ("IoT") and Machine-to-Machine ("M2M") solutions. Today, our specialized networking expertise is being put to work to enable the more than 50 billion devices, machines and people being connected to, and participating in the industrial and enterprise IoT.

供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: WiFi / 802.11 Development Tools
描述: WiFi / 802.11 Development Tools PremierWave Dev. Kit MODULE NOT INCLUDED
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Specialized Cables
描述: Specialized Cables 6 RJ45 to DB9 Male Cable to DCE Device
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Ethernet Development Tools
描述: Ethernet Development Tools Micro125 Embedded Intergration Kit
ProductCategory: EthernetDevelopmentTools Manufacturer: Lantronix Packaging: Bulk Brand: Lantronix FactoryPackQuantityrszrsbestyffrzczw: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Networking Modules
描述: Networking Modules EDS2100 2Port RS232 422/485 Linux SDK
ProductCategory: NetworkingModules Manufacturer: Lantronix Product: SerialtoEthernetDeviceServers ProcessorType: DSTni-FX DataRate: 921.6kb/s,10Mb/s,100Mb/s NumberofPorts: 1Ethernet,2Serial InterfaceType: Ethernet,Serial OperatingSupplyVoltage: 9Vto30V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +85C Brand: Lantronix Description/Function: Two-port,securedeviceserverwithLinux Dimensions: 3.7inx2.8inx0.9in MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C OperatingSupplyCurrent: 60mAto200mA PowerConsumption: 1.8W Series: EDS FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Networking Modules
描述: Networking Modules MatchPort NR Device Server AES Bulk
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: DIN Rail Power Supplies
描述: DIN Rail Power Supplies XPress-Pro Din Rail Power Supply
ProductCategory: DINRailPowerSupplies Manufacturer: Lantronix InputType: 1-Phase/SinglePhase Brand: Lantronix Series: XPRESS FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Módulos de rede
描述: Módulos de rede MatchPort b/g Pro 802.11 Wireless Serv
Categoriadeproduto: Módulosderede Fabricante: Lantronix Produto: Server-SerialtoWi-Fi Tipodeprocessador: DSTni-FX Frequência: 2.4GHz Taxadedados: 230kb/s,11Mb/s,54Mb/s Tipodeinterface: Serial,Wi-Fi Tensãodealimentaçãooperacional: 3.3V Temperaturaoperacionalmáxima: +70C Marca: Lantronix Dimensões: 44.4mmx44.4mmx10.4mm Flash: 8MB Tipodememória: Flash,SRAM Temperaturaoperacionalmínima: -40C CorrentedeAlimentaçãoOperativa: 160mA RAM: 8MB Segurança: WithSecurity Série: MATCHPPRO Quantidadedopacotedefábrica: 100 Pesounitário: 29g
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Ethernet Modules
描述: Ethernet Modules MatchPort AR w/ Linux OS
ProductCategory: EthernetModules Manufacturer: Lantronix Product: SerialtoEthernetDeviceServers NumberofPorts: 1Ethernet DataRate: 230kb/s,10Mb/s,100Mb/s InterfaceType: Ethernet,Serial OperatingSupplyVoltage: 3.3V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +85C Brand: Lantronix Dimensions: 44.4mmx44.4mmx10.4mm MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C OperatingSupplyCurrent: 210mA Packaging: Bulk PowerConsumption: 670mW ProcessorType: DSTni-FX Series: MATCHPAR FactoryPackQuantity: 100
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Ontwikkelingssoftware
描述: Ontwikkelingssoftware SCPR 1 Lic 16 Device SW CD license
Productcategorie: Ontwikkelingssoftware Fabrikant: Lantronix Merk: Lantronix
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Networking Modules
描述: Networking Modules XPort AR Module