Founded in 1990, Axiomtek is one of the major design and manufacturing companies in the Industrial Computer & Embedded field. Since our establishment, Axiomtek has successfully gained worldwide recognition for our innovative designs and outstanding customer satisfaction.

供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Single Board Computers
描述: Single Board Computers 3.5" EMBED SBC AMD G SERIES APU T56N 1.65
ProductCategory: SingleBoardComputers Manufacturer: Axiomtek FormFactor: 3.5in ProcessorBrand: AMD ProcessorType: AMDG-SeriesAPUT56N Frequency: 1.65GHz MemorySize: 4GB InterfaceType: RS-232,RS-422,RS-485,USB OperatingSupplyVoltage: 12V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +60C Dimensions: 146mmx104mm BatteryBackupSwitching: BackupBattery Brand: Axiomtek Chipsets: A50MFCH Core: AMD Description/Function: EmbeddedSBCwithLVDS,displayport,VGA,dualLANsandaudio MemoryType: DDR3 MinimumOperatingTemperature: 0C FactoryPackQuantity: 1 Part#Aliases: CAPA110VPGGA-T56N
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Modules Accessories
描述: Modules Accessories GOT5120T-845 PANEL_MOUNT_KIT SFP
ProductCategory: ModulesAccessories Manufacturer: Axiomtek Brand: Axiomtek FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Mounting Hardware
描述: Mounting Hardware DIN RAIL KIT EBOX510 & EBOX530
Brand: Axiomtek FactoryPackQuantity: 1 Subcategory: Hardware Manufacturer: Axiomtek ProductCategory: MountingHardware ProductType: MountingHardware Product: MountingRails RoHS: RoHS Compliant Part#Aliases: EBOX530DINRAILKIT
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Embedded Box Computers
描述: Embedded Box Computers Fanless embedded system with 6th generation Intel Core i3-6100U Skylake ULT processor 2 HDMI 2 GbE 4 USB 3.02 COM PCIe Mini Card and 9~36VDC PWR input
ProductCategory: EmbeddedBoxComputers Manufacturer: Axiomtek ProcessorBrand: Intel ProcessorType: Intelcorei3-6100U Chipsets: SoCIntegrated Frequency: 2.3GHz MemorySize: 16GB InterfaceType: Ethernet,HDMI,RS-232/422/485,USB OperatingSupplyVoltage: 9Vto36V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +50C Dimensions: 141.6mmx106mmx73mm Brand: Axiomtek Description/Function: Fanlessembeddedsystem FormFactor: SO-DIMM MemoryType: DDR4-2133 MinimumOperatingTemperature: -10C ProcessorSeries: i3-6100U Series: eBOX565-500-FL FactoryPackQuantity: 1 Part#Aliases: E36K565102
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Computadora en un Módulo (COM)
描述: Computadora en un Módulo (COM) COM Express Type 6 Compact Module, J1900 2.0GHz, VGA/DDI/LVDS, GbE Ethernet, USB 3.0 and TPM
Categoríadeproducto: ComputadoraenunMódulo(COM) Fabricante: Axiomtek Marca: Axiomtek Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1 Aliasdelaspiezasn.º: E38D842101
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Computadoras integradas
描述: Computadoras integradas Intel OPS Sandy Brdg Signage Box (HM65)
Categoríadeproducto: Computadorasintegradas Fabricante: Axiomtek Marcadelprocesador: Intel Tipodeprocesador: IntelCorei3/i5/i7 Conjuntosdechips: HM65PCH Frecuencia: 1.6GHz/2.1GHz/2.2GHz/2.5GHz Tamañodememoria: 4GB Tipodeinterfaz: Audio,Ethernet,PCI,USB,VGA Voltajedealimentaciónoperativo: 12Vto19V Temperaturadetrabajomáxima: +45C Dimensiones: 119mmx200mmx30mm Marca: Axiomtek Descripción/Función: IntelOpenPluggableSpecification(OPS)SandyBridgeSignageBox(HM65) Tipodememoria: DDR3 Temperaturadetrabajomínima: 0C Seriedeprocesadores: IntelCorei3/i5/i7 Serie: OPS860 Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1 Aliasdelaspiezasn.º: OPS860-HM-RC-NP
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Embedded Box Computers
描述: Embedded Box Computers Fanless 17" MedGrade Panel Computer
ProductCategory: EmbeddedBoxComputers Manufacturer: Axiomtek ProcessorBrand: Intel ProcessorType: IntelCore2Duo Chipsets: GM45,ICH9M Frequency: 2.26GHz MemorySize: 8GB InterfaceType: RS-232,RS-422,RS-485,USB OperatingSupplyVoltage: 24V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +40C Dimensions: 76.5mmx438mmx376.4mm Brand: Axiomtek Description/Function: Fanless17inchmedicalgradepanelcomputerwithIntelCore2DuoSocket-Pprocessor,DVDRW,1.3Megapixelcamera,medical-gradeACtoDCpoweradaptor MemoryType: DDR3 MinimumOperatingTemperature: 0C FactoryPackQuantity: 1 Part#Aliases: E228175100MPC175-851-FL-AC-NP-DRW
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Embedded Box Computers
描述: Embedded Box Computers CAPA800 with single Core Atom N450 (1.66GHz), GbE LAN*2, COM*3, USB*4, AC-DC 60W Adapter, CF & HDD support, w/o logo
ProductCategory: EmbeddedBoxComputers Manufacturer: Axiomtek Brand: Axiomtek Series: eBOX620 FactoryPackQuantity: 1 Part#Aliases: E360620111
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Módulos de rede
描述: Módulos de rede AX92212 Intel N100 802.11B/G/N module
Categoriadeproduto: Módulosderede Fabricante: Axiomtek Produto: NetworkSecurityAppliances Tipodeprocessador: AMDGSeriesT24L Frequência: 1GHz Taxadedados: 1000Mb/s Númerodeportas: 4Ethernet,1RS-232,2USB Tipodeinterface: Ethernet,RS-232,SSD,USB Tensãodealimentaçãooperacional: 12V Temperaturaoperacionalmáxima: +40C Marca: Axiomtek Descrição/Função: AX92212IntelN100802.11B/G/Nmodule Dimensões: 30mmx280mmx151.5mm Tipodememória: DDR3 Temperaturaoperacionalmínima: 0C Quantidadedopacotedefábrica: 1 Aliasesdenúmdepeça: 802.11B/G/NINTELMODULEN100
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Cables especializados
描述: Cables especializados DISPLAYPORT TO HDMI CABLE 185MM
FactoryPackQuantity: 1 ProductType: AVCables Product: VideoCables ConnectorEndB: HDMI CableLength: 185mm RoHS: RoHS Compliant ConnectorEndA: DisplayPort Brand: Axiomtek Type: AdapterCable UnitWeight: 1.616135oz Subcategory: CableAssemblies Manufacturer: Axiomtek ProductCategory: AudioCables/VideoCables/RCACables NumberofConductors: 20Conductor Packaging: Bulk