Dioo Microcircuits Co,. LTD is a global vendor, designing and producing high performance power analog and mixed signal IC. Dioo R&D team has more than 10-year experience of mixed signal IC product engineering and provides our customer with total solutions including consumer electronics, medical devices and industrial sensor. Dioo is ISO9001 certificated. Our primary product profile: USB2.0/3.0 interface IC, low power low noise op-amp, power management IC, LED lighting and HD audio and video signal conditioning IC. With the spirit of innovation and diligence, Dioo has expanded very fast recently, listed as top 3 fabless design houses by EE Times under Global Sourcing. Under the new global strategy, Dioo is becoming the main analog solution vendor in world-wide consumer segment, offering more and more application specific solutions to fast-growing smart TV, OTT/STB, mobile phones and network product applications.
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Drivers de iluminação com LEDs
描述: Drivers de iluminação com LEDs Controller 600V
Categoriadeproduto: DriversdeiluminaçãocomLEDs Fabricante: DIOO Temperaturaoperacionalmínima: -40C Temperaturaoperacionalmáxima: +85C Estilodemontagem: SMD/SMT Caixa/Gabinete: SOIC-8 Embalagem: Reel Marca: DIOOMicrocircuits MoistureSensitive: Yes Númerodesaídas: 1Output Produto: LEDLightingDrivers Quantidadedopacotedefábrica: 2500 Topologia: Buck Tipo: PowerFactorController(PFC)
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Power Switch ICs - Power Distribution
描述: Power Switch ICs - Power Distribution 5.5V 3Amax Low Loss Pwr Dist Load Switch
MaximumOperatingTemperature: +85C OnTime-Max: 400us FactoryPackQuantity: 3000 ProductType: PowerSwitchICs-PowerDistribution Package/Case: SOT-23-6 Product: LoadSwitches CurrentLimit: 1A OutputCurrent: 2A SupplyVoltage-Min: 2.7V RoHS: RoHS Compliant Brand: DIOOMicrocircuits MoistureSensitive: Yes Type: LoadSwitch NumberofOutputs: 1Output MountingStyle: SMD/SMT UnitWeight: 0.003951oz Subcategory: SwitchICs Manufacturer: DIOO ProductCategory: PowerSwitchICs-PowerDistribution Packaging: MouseReel OnResistance-Max: 70mOhms MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C OperatingSupplyVoltage: 2.7Vto5.5V SupplyVoltage-Max: 5.5V
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Video Amplifiers
描述: Video Amplifiers 3-Channel, HD/BYPASS Video Filter
ProductCategory: VideoAmplifiers Manufacturer: DIOO NumberofChannels: 4Channel 3dBBandwidth: 37MHz SupplyVoltage-Max: 5.25V SupplyVoltage-Min: 3.135V OperatingSupplyCurrent: 73mA MaximumOperatingTemperature: +85C MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C MountingStyle: SMD/SMT Package/Case: TSSOP-14 Packaging: Reel Brand: DIOOMicrocircuits MoistureSensitive: Yes Product: VideoAmplifiers Shutdown: NoShutdown FactoryPackQuantity: 2500 VoltageGaindB: 6dB UnitWeight: 0.006102oz
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Драйверы систем светодиодного освещения
描述: Драйверы систем светодиодного освещения 24V OVP, 200mV reference, PWM Control White LED Driver
Категорияпродукта: Драйверысистемсветодиодногоосвещения Производитель: DIOO Входноенапряжение: 2.7Vto5.5V Рабочаячастота: 1.1MHz Минимальнаярабочаятемпература: -40C Максимальнаярабочаятемпература: +85C Видмонтажа: SMD/SMT Упаковка/блок: SOT-23-6 Упаковка: CutTape Упаковка: MouseReel Упаковка: Reel Торговаямарка: DIOOMicrocircuits Чувствительныйквлажности: Yes Количествовыходов: 10Output Типвыхода: ConstantCurrent Продукт: LEDLightingDrivers Размерфабричнойупаковки: 3000 Топология: Boost Тип: WhiteLEDDriver
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Operational Amplifiers - Op Amps
描述: Operational Amplifiers - Op Amps One Channel Rail-to-Rail I/O, 1MHz Amplifier
MaximumOperatingTemperature: +125C Product: OperationalAmplifiers GBP-GainBandwidthProduct: 1MHz SupplyVoltage-Min: 2V RoHS: RoHS Compliant OutputCurrentperChannel: - MoistureSensitive: Yes Manufacturer: DIOO AmplifierType: CMOSAmplifier OutputType: Rail-to-Rail OperatingSupplyCurrent: 40uA FactoryPackQuantity: 3000 Ib-InputBiasCurrent: 5pA ProductType: OpAmps-OperationalAmplifiers Package/Case: SC70-5 NumberofChannels: 1Channel en-InputVoltageNoiseDensity: - Vos-InputOffsetVoltage: 3mV Brand: DIOOMicrocircuits MountingStyle: SMD/SMT Shutdown: NoShutdown InputType: Rail-to-Rail Subcategory: AmplifierICs ProductCategory: OperationalAmplifiers-OpAmps Packaging: MouseReel SR-SlewRate: 600mV/us MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C CMRR-CommonModeRejectionRatio: - SupplyVoltage-Max: 5.5V
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Operational Amplifiers - Op Amps
描述: Operational Amplifiers - Op Amps 700nA,17kHz, RRIO CMOS Operational Amplifier
MaximumOperatingTemperature: +125C Product: OperationalAmplifiers GBP-GainBandwidthProduct: 14kHz SupplyVoltage-Min: 1.2V RoHS: RoHS Compliant OutputCurrentperChannel: - MoistureSensitive: Yes Manufacturer: DIOO AmplifierType: LowPowerAmplifier OutputType: Rail-to-Rail OperatingSupplyCurrent: 600nA FactoryPackQuantity: 2500 Ib-InputBiasCurrent: 1pA ProductType: OpAmps-OperationalAmplifiers Package/Case: SOIC-8 NumberofChannels: 2Channel en-InputVoltageNoiseDensity: - Vos-InputOffsetVoltage: 2mV Brand: DIOOMicrocircuits MountingStyle: SMD/SMT Shutdown: NoShutdown InputType: Rail-to-Rail Subcategory: AmplifierICs ProductCategory: OperationalAmplifiers-OpAmps Packaging: MouseReel SR-SlewRate: 3.5V/us MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C CMRR-CommonModeRejectionRatio: - SupplyVoltage-Max: 5.5V
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Audio Amplifiers
描述: Audio Amplifiers 3-VRMS Audio Driver with Adjustable Gain
ProductCategory: AudioAmplifiers Manufacturer: DIOO Product: AudioLineDrivers/Receivers MountingStyle: SMD/SMT Type: 2-ChannelLineDriver Package/Case: TSSOP-14 Audio-LoadImpedance: 600Ohms THDplusNoise: 0.001% SupplyVoltage-Max: 5.5V SupplyVoltage-Min: 3V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +85C MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C Packaging: Reel Brand: DIOOMicrocircuits Gain: Adjustable GBP-GainBandwidthProduct: 7MHz InputType: Differential NumberofChannels: 2Channel OperatingSupplyCurrent: 12mA OutputCurrent: 60mA OutputType: 2-ChannelStereo Shutdown: Shutdown SR-SlewRate: 12V/us FactoryPackQuantity: 2500 SupplyType: Single Vos-InputOffsetVoltage: 0mV
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Operational Amplifiers - Op Amps
描述: Operational Amplifiers - Op Amps 700nA,17kHz, RRIO CMOS Operational Amplifier
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Audio Amplifiers
描述: Audio Amplifiers 2-VRMS Audio Driver with Adjustable Gain
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: LED Lighting Drivers
描述: LED Lighting Drivers
ProductCategory: LEDLightingDrivers Manufacturer: DIOO InputVoltage: 30V MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C MaximumOperatingTemperature: +85C MountingStyle: SMD/SMT Package/Case: SOIC-8 Packaging: Reel Brand: DIOOMicrocircuits MoistureSensitive: Yes NumberofOutputs: 1Output Product: LEDLightingDrivers FactoryPackQuantity: 2500 Topology: Buck Type: PowerFactorController(PFC)