As electronics become smaller and more capable, they become more complex. Necessary innovation must be met with ever-advancing technical capability. Tektronix designs and manufactures the test, measurement and monitoring solutions that break through the walls of complexity, to accelerate global innovation. Tektronix solutions have supported many of humankind's greatest advances of the past 65 years. Health. Communication. Mobility. Space. We are committed to the scientists, engineers and technicians around the world who will define the future, and rely on us to embrace the technological challenge, as partners in their innovation.

供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Benchtop Oscilloscopes
描述: Benchtop Oscilloscopes 150MHz 1GS/s2.5k 4Ch DigitalStorage Scope
ProductCategory: BenchtopOscilloscopes Manufacturer: Tektronix NumberofChannels: 4Channel Bandwidth: 150MHz SamplingRate: 1GS/s DisplayType: ColorTFT EquipmentType: DigitalOscilloscopes Brand: Tektronix Features: 16automatedmeasurements,builtinwaveformlimittesting,automatedextendeddataloggingfeature,educationalpackageonCD InterfaceType: USB Packaging: Bulk Series: 4CH FactoryPackQuantity: 1 UnitWeight: 4.409lbs
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Benchtop Oscilloscopes
描述: Benchtop Oscilloscopes Digital Oscilloscope 1GHz; 5GS/S; 2CH
ProductCategory: BenchtopOscilloscopes Manufacturer: Tektronix Brand: Tektronix Series: DPO4000 FactoryPackQuantity: 1 UnitWeight: 11lbs
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Circuitos integrados de interruptor multiplexor
描述: Circuitos integrados de interruptor multiplexor HIGH CURRENT SWITCH CARD FOR 3706A
Categoríadeproducto: Circuitosintegradosdeinterruptormultiplexor Fabricante: Tektronix Producto: Multiplexers Númerodecanales: 10Channel Resistenciaenmodoencendido-Máx.: 0.15Ohms Tiempoencendido-Máx.: 15ms Tiempoapagado-Máx.: 15ms Temperaturadetrabajomáxima: +50C Estilodemontaje: SMD/SMT Marca: Tektronix Temperaturadetrabajomínima: 0C Serie: 3706A Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1 Tipodesuministro: SingleSupply
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Ajuste, Garantías y Planes de servicio
描述: Ajuste, Garantías y Planes de servicio Silver Care 900 Extended Warranty
Categoríadeproducto: Ajuste,GarantíasyPlanesdeservicio Fabricante: Tektronix Tipo: Repair Longitud: 5yr Producto: BenchtopOscilloscopes Marca: Tektronix Serie: SILV Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1 Pesodelaunidad: 3.360000oz
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Test Probes
描述: Test Probes Adapter Micro-Grab Probe Attachment 4ea
ProductCategory: TestProbes Manufacturer: Tektronix Brand: Tektronix FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Fontes de alimentação de bancadas
描述: Fontes de alimentação de bancadas DC Power Supply 72 V, 1.5 A
Categoriadeproduto: Fontesdealimentaçãodebancadas Fabricante: Tektronix Produto: DCPowerSupplies Tipo: Programmable Tensãodeentrada: 110VAC,220VACSelectable Númerodesaídas: 1Output Tensãodesaída-canal1: 0VDCto72VDC Correntedesaída-canal1: 0Ato1.5A Tensãodesaída-canal2: - Correntedesaída-canal2: - Tensãodesaída-canal3: - Correntedesaída-canal3: - Potênciadesaída: 108W Tipodedisplay: VFD Marca: Tektronix Tipodecabo: NorthAmericanPowerCordIncluded Altura: 3.57in Comprimento: 14.24in Quantidadedopacotedefábrica: 1 Largura: 8.55in Pesounitário: 6.7kg
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: RF Test Equipment
描述: RF Test Equipment USB Power Meter 10MHz-18GHz
ProductCategory: RFTestEquipment Manufacturer: Tektronix EquipmentType: RFPowerMeter FrequencyRange: 10MHzto18GHz Brand: Tektronix FactoryPackQuantity: 1 UnitWeight: 1.323lbs
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Test Probes
描述: Test Probes Active Probe, BW 4GHZ, 2V
ProductCategory: TestProbes Manufacturer: Tektronix Brand: Tektronix FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Contadores de frecuencia
描述: Contadores de frecuencia Microwave/Counter 40 GHz / 100 ps
Categoríadeproducto: Contadoresdefrecuencia Fabricante: Tektronix Tipodeequipo: Timer,Counter,Analyzer Tipodepantalla: NumericandGraphical Marca: Tektronix Tipodecable: NorthAmericanPowerCordIncluded Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1 Pesodelaunidad: 2.700kg
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Test Probes
描述: Test Probes ProbeAC-Only10.6ARMS 60MHz BW; BNC Interf
ProductCategory: TestProbes Manufacturer: Tektronix EquipmentType: ACCurrentProbes Type: Accessories&Kits Bandwidth: 120Hzto60MHz Length: 20cm CurrentRating: 10.6A Brand: Tektronix Description/Function: Provideswide-bandperformancewithexcellentlow-frequencycharacteristics Features: For1Mohmsinputs,shieldedprobehead FactoryPackQuantity: 1 UnitWeight: 1.764lbs