ELMOS Semiconductor AG is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of customer specific integrated circuits (ASICs) in analog/mixed signal CMOS technology.

供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers
描述: Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers Digital Ultrasonic TncvrDvr Signal Proc
Manufacturer: ELMOS ProductCategory: Motor/Motion/IgnitionControllers&Drivers Product: ElectromechanicalDrivers Type: TransducerDriver OperatingSupplyVoltage: 7Vto18V OutputCurrent: 310mA OperatingSupplyCurrent: 7mA MaximumOperatingTemperature: +85C MountingStyle: SMD/SMT Package/Case: QFN-20 Packaging: Tube Brand: ELMOSSemiconductor MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C NumberofOutputs: 2 OperatingTemperatureRange: -40Cto+85C Pd-PowerDissipation: 1.5W FactoryPackQuantity: 200 Part#Aliases: E52404A52DC UnitWeight: 0.004339oz
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Reguladores de voltaje - Reguladores de conmutación
描述: Reguladores de voltaje - Reguladores de conmutación 500mA, 1.5 - 40V Step Down Conv
Fabricante: ELMOS Categoríadeproducto: Reguladoresdevoltaje-Reguladoresdeconmutación Estilodemontaje: SMD/SMT Paquete/Cubierta: TSSOP-16 Voltajedesalida: 1.5Vto40V Corrientedesalida: 500mA Númerodesalidas: 1Output VoltajedeentradaMÁX.: 40V Topología: Buck VoltajedeentradaMIN.: 4.5V Frecuenciadeconmutación: 1.75MHz Temperaturadetrabajomáxima: +125C Marca: ELMOSSemiconductor Temperaturadetrabajomínima: -40C Rangodetemperaturadetrabajo: -40Cto+125C Empaquetado: Tube Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 200 Tipo: VoltageConverters Aliasdelaspiezasn.º: E522.05A65AB Pesodelaunidad: 0.006102oz
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Pressure Sensor Development Tools
描述: Pressure Sensor Development Tools 52018-0001 DEV BRD
Manufacturer: ELMOS ProductCategory: PressureSensorDevelopmentTools Brand: ELMOSSemiconductor FactoryPackQuantity: 1 Part#Aliases: 52018-0001
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Sensor Interface
描述: Sensor Interface Basic I/O Link Transciever
ProductCategory: SensorInterface Manufacturer: ELMOS Type: IO-LinkDeviceTransceiver InterfaceType: IO-Link SupplyVoltage-Max: 36V SupplyVoltage-Min: 8V OperatingSupplyCurrent: 1.5mA MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C MaximumOperatingTemperature: +100C MountingStyle: SMD/SMT Package/Case: QFN-20 Packaging: Tube Brand: ELMOSSemiconductor Pd-PowerDissipation: 900mW Product: IO-LinkTransceivers FactoryPackQuantity: 200 Part#Aliases: E981.10A52KC UnitWeight: 0.004339oz
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Voltage Regulators - Switching Regulators
描述: Voltage Regulators - Switching Regulators 1A, 3.3V Step Down Conv
Manufacturer: ELMOS ProductCategory: VoltageRegulators-SwitchingRegulators MountingStyle: SMD/SMT Package/Case: QFN-20 OutputVoltage: 3.3V OutputCurrent: 1A NumberofOutputs: 1Output InputVoltageMAX: 40V Topology: Buck InputVoltageMIN: 4.5V SwitchingFrequency: 1.75MHz MaximumOperatingTemperature: +125C Brand: ELMOSSemiconductor MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C OperatingTemperatureRange: -40Cto+125C Packaging: Tube FactoryPackQuantity: 200 Type: VoltageConverters Part#Aliases: E522.08A52AC UnitWeight: 0.004339oz
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers
描述: Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers Pwr LIN/PWM stepper motor driver
ProductCategory: Motor/Motion/IgnitionControllers&Drivers Manufacturer: ELMOS Brand: ELMOSSemiconductor FactoryPackQuantity: 200
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: LIN Transceivers
描述: LIN Transceivers LIN SBC with Voltage Regulator and Watchdog (3.3V)
Manufacturer: ELMOS ProductCategory: LINTransceivers Packaging: Tube Brand: ELMOSSemiconductor Product: LINSystemBasisChips Type: LINSBC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: 马达/运动/点火控制器和驱动器
描述: 马达/运动/点火控制器和驱动器 3x Half Bridge Controller, PWM only
制造商: ELMOS 产品种类: 马达/运动/点火控制器和驱动器 产品: Fan/MotorControllers/Drivers 类型: HalfBridgeController 工作电源电压: 7Vto28V 输出电流: 20uA 安装风格: SMD/SMT 商标: ELMOSSemiconductor 工作温度范围: -40Cto+150C 输出电压: 3.3V 零件号别名: E523.11B39GB
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: 马达/运动/点火控制器和驱动器
描述: 马达/运动/点火控制器和驱动器 12x Channel Low Side Driver without Stall Detection
制造商: ELMOS 产品种类: 马达/运动/点火控制器和驱动器 商标: ELMOSSemiconductor
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Switching Voltage Regulators
描述: Switching Voltage Regulators 350mA, 3.3V Step Down Conv
ProductCategory: SwitchingVoltageRegulators Manufacturer: ELMOS MountingStyle: SMD/SMT Package/Case: TSSOP-16 OutputVoltage: 3.3V OutputCurrent: 350mA NumberofOutputs: 1Output InputVoltageMAX: 40V Topology: Buck InputVoltageMIN: 4.5V SwitchingFrequency: 1.75MHz MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C MaximumOperatingTemperature: +125C Packaging: Tube Brand: ELMOSSemiconductor OperatingTemperatureRange: -40Cto+125C FactoryPackQuantity: 200 Type: VoltageConverter Part#Aliases: E522.04A65AB UnitWeight: 0.006102oz