REDINGTON COUNTERS, INC. was founded in 1961 to develop and market a broad line of general purpose mechanical and electromechanical counters. The three founders, with product experience that totaled over 100 years in the counter field, focused on new product development. Due to its aggressive posture and product development, REDINGTON would grow dramatically over the years. Not only have the counter products and product lines increased but hour meter and measuring wheel product lines were added and expanded. Today, more than 42 years later, REDINGTON's original commitment to new product development can be seen in our most recent development of the family of digital electronic Counters, Hour Meters, Indicators and Controllers using innovative and state of the art technology.
供应商: RS
分类: 各样种类
描述: ER - Counter; Electromechanical; 115 VAC; Base Mount; 6; 1.8 W (Nom.); Wire, 22 AWG
供应商: RS
分类: 计数器
描述: ER - Counter; Electromechanical; 115 VAC; Panel Mount; 4; 2 W; Wire Leaded; 4 Oz.
供应商: corestaff
供应商: corestaff
供应商: corestaff
供应商: corestaff
供应商: corestaff
供应商: corestaff
供应商: corestaff