BPS (BusBoard Prototype Systems) prototyping boards have unique board patterns that accelerate the construction of your electronic prototypes circuits and assemblies as well as simplify wiring.

供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Jumper Wires
描述: Jumper Wires ZipWire Ml-Ml 20cm 40 UnzippWires x20cm
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Placas de circuitos impresos (PCB) y tarjetas de prueba
描述: Placas de circuitos impresos (PCB) y tarjetas de prueba 1660pt BrdBrd Metal Bcking Plate 6.5x4.3
Categoríadeproducto: Placasdecircuitosimpresos(PCB)ytarjetasdeprueba Fabricante: BusBoardPrototypeSystems Producto: Breadboards Tipo: Solderless Descripción/Función: Solderlessplug-inbreadboard Longitud: 165.1mm Ancho: 109.2mm Marca: BusBoardPrototypeSystems Altura: 8.5mm Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Placas de circuitos impresos (PCB) y tarjetas de prueba
描述: Placas de circuitos impresos (PCB) y tarjetas de prueba SMTpad-Size2,200x100 1 Side Pad/Grnd
Categoríadeproducto: Placasdecircuitosimpresos(PCB)ytarjetasdeprueba Fabricante: BusBoardPrototypeSystems Producto: PrototypingBoards Tipo: SurfaceMount Descripción/Función: SurfacemountprototypingPCB Longitud: 100mm Ancho: 80mm Marca: BusBoardPrototypeSystems Materialdelcontacto: Copper Altura: 1.6mm Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: PCBs & Breadboards
描述: PCBs & Breadboards BBrd-2, Zigzag Track 1sd Sldrmask, 80x100
Share: | $5.43: AluminumElectrolyticCapacitors-Leaded $54.30: SFSD032GN3BM1TO-I-HG-2B1-STD NoImage: PCBs&Breadboards
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Standoffs & Spacers
描述: Standoffs & Spacers AdhStdoff,500Pk .120 Fits 0.125" PCB Hole
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: PCBs & Breadboards
描述: PCBs & Breadboards SMTpad-Size1,200x100 1 Side Pad/Grnd
ProductCategory: PCBs&Breadboards Manufacturer: BusBoardPrototypeSystems Product: PrototypingBoards Type: SurfaceMount Description/Function: SurfacemountprototypingPCB Length: 80mm Width: 50mm Brand: BusBoardPrototypeSystems ContactMaterial: Copper Height: 1.6mm FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: PCBs & Breadboards
描述: PCBs & Breadboards SMTboard-3U-Thin 2sides Unplatd Holes
ProductCategory: PCBs&Breadboards Manufacturer: BusBoardPrototypeSystems Product: Breadboards Description/Function: SMDprototypePCB,thin Length: 100mm Width: 160mm Brand: BusBoardPrototypeSystems ContactMaterial: FR4EpoxyGlass FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: PCBs & Breadboards
描述: PCBs & Breadboards SMTpd-Size3U,100x100 1 Side Pad/Grnd
ProductCategory: PCBs&Breadboards Manufacturer: BusBoardPrototypeSystems Product: PrototypingBoards Type: SurfaceMount Description/Function: SurfacemountprototypingPCB Length: 160mm Width: 100mm Brand: BusBoardPrototypeSystems ContactMaterial: Copper Height: 1.6mm FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: PCBs & Breadboards
描述: PCBs & Breadboards 300 TIE POINT SLDR PC BDBOARD
ProductCategory: PCBs&Breadboards Manufacturer: BusBoardPrototypeSystems Product: PrototypingBoards Type: ThroughHole Description/Function: SolderablePCbreadboard Length: 31mm Width: 76mm Brand: BusBoardPrototypeSystems ContactMaterial: FR4EpoxyGlass Height: 1.6mm Spacing: 2.54mm FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: PCBs & Breadboards
描述: PCBs & Breadboards BusBoard-3U 1 sided with mask
ProductCategory: PCBs&Breadboards Manufacturer: BusBoardPrototypeSystems Product: PrototypingBoards Type: ThroughHole Description/Function: Zig-Zagprototypeboard Length: 100mm Width: 160mm Brand: BusBoardPrototypeSystems ContactMaterial: Epoxy,GlassReinforced Height: 1.6mm FactoryPackQuantity: 1