U.S. Sensor - U.S. Sensor is a world class manufacturer of the highest quality thermistors as well as thermistor probes and assemblies . Our products are produced using proprietary state of the art processing techniques resulting in superior long term reliability. Our wide range of products include DO-35 Glass Encapsulated thermistors, highly accurate Precision Interchangeable thermistors, SMT thermistors, custom thermistor probes and assemblies and RTD’s and RTD assemblies designed to meet the most demanding applications. U.S. Sensor’s products are used in the Consumer Electronics, Industrial Electronics, Medical, Military and Aerospace, Food Handling/Processing and Communication and Instrumentation markets. UL Recognition was awarded to U.S. Sensor for a complete line of DO-35 Glass Encapsulated Thermistors and for a series of Surface Temperature Sensing Ring Lug Style thermistor assemblies.
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: เทอร์มิสเตอร์ชนิด NTC
描述: NTC Thermistors NTC THERMISTOR 20K OHM 0.1C BEAD
ประเภทสินค้า: เทอร์มิสเตอร์ชนิดNTC ผู้ผลิต: USSensor ระดับ: KS พารามิเตอร์B: 3892K ความต้านทาน: 20kOhms ความคลาดเคลื่อนยินยอม: 0.1C รูปแบบการสิ้นสุด: Radial เส้นผ่าศูนย์กลาง: 0.095in การบรรจุ: Bulk เครื่องหมายการค้า: USSensor ค่าสูงสุดของอุณหภูมิในการใช้งาน: +135C ค่าสัมประสิทธิ์อุณหภูมิ: -4.4%/C ประเภท: NTC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Терморезисторы с отрицательным температурным коэффициентом
描述: Терморезисторы с отрицательным температурным коэффициентом THERMISTOR NTC 4K OHM 10% DO-35
Категорияпродукта: Терморезисторысотрицательнымтемпературнымкоэффициентом Производитель: USSensor ПараметрВ: 3453K Сопротивление: 4kOhms Допустимоеотклонение: 10% Типвыводов: Axial Диаметр: 0.075in Длина: 0.16in Упаковка: Bulk Торговаямарка: USSensor Максимальнаярабочаятемпература: +300C Температурныйкоэффициент: -3.88%/C Тип: NTC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: NTC Thermistors
描述: NTC Thermistors THERMISTOR NTC 1.8K OHM 10% DO-35
ProductCategory: NTCThermistors Manufacturer: USSensor BParameter: 3419K Resistance: 1.8kOhms Tolerance: 10% TerminationStyle: Axial Diameter: 0.075in Length: 0.16in Packaging: Bulk Brand: USSensor MaximumOperatingTemperature: +300C TemperatureCoefficient: -3.86%/C Type: NTC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: NTC Thermistors
描述: NTC Thermistors NTC THERMISTOR 2.2K OHM 0.2C BEAD
ProductCategory: NTCThermistors Manufacturer: USSensor Series: KT BParameter: 3892K Resistance: 2.252kOhms Tolerance: 0.2C TerminationStyle: Radial Diameter: 0.095in Packaging: Bulk Brand: USSensor MaximumOperatingTemperature: +135C TemperatureCoefficient: -4.4%/C Type: NTC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: NTC Thermistors
描述: NTC Thermistors Thermistor, NTC 2.2K ohm 0.05 deg. C Interchangeable Epoxy Coated
ProductCategory: NTCThermistors Manufacturer: USSensor Series: PR BParameter: 3892K Resistance: 2.252kOhms Tolerance: 0.05C TerminationStyle: Radial OperatingTemperatureRange: -55Cto+80C Diameter: 0.095in Packaging: Bulk Brand: USSensor FactoryPackQuantity: 25 TemperatureCoefficient: -4.4%/C Type: NTC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: NTC Thermistors
描述: NTC Thermistors NTC THERMISTOR 20K OHM 0.2C BEAD
ProductCategory: NTCThermistors Manufacturer: USSensor Series: PT BParameter: 3892K Resistance: 20kOhms Tolerance: 0.2C TerminationStyle: Radial Diameter: 0.095in Packaging: Bulk Brand: USSensor MaximumOperatingTemperature: +150C TemperatureCoefficient: -4.4%/C Type: NTC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: NTC Thermistors
描述: NTC Thermistors THERMISTOR NTC 5K OHM 5% DO-35
ProductCategory: NTCThermistors Manufacturer: USSensor BParameter: 3419K Resistance: 5kOhms Tolerance: 5% TerminationStyle: Axial OperatingTemperatureRange: +25Cto+300C Diameter: 0.075in Length: 0.16in Packaging: Bulk Brand: USSensor FactoryPackQuantity: 1 TemperatureCoefficient: -3.86%/C Type: NTC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: NTC Thermistors
描述: NTC Thermistors Thermistor, NTC 10K ohm 0.2 deg. C Interchangeable Epoxy Coated
ProductCategory: NTCThermistors Manufacturer: USSensor Series: KT BParameter: 3575K Resistance: 10kOhms Tolerance: 0.2C TerminationStyle: Radial OperatingTemperatureRange: +25Cto+135C Diameter: 0.095in Packaging: Bulk Brand: USSensor FactoryPackQuantity: 500 TemperatureCoefficient: -4.04%/C Type: NTC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: NTC Thermistors
描述: NTC Thermistors THERMISTOR NTC 1MEG 10% DO-35
ProductCategory: NTCThermistors Manufacturer: USSensor BParameter: 4140K Resistance: 1MOhms Tolerance: 10% TerminationStyle: Axial Diameter: 0.075in Length: 0.16in Packaging: Bulk Brand: USSensor MaximumOperatingTemperature: +300C TemperatureCoefficient: -4.68%/C Type: NTC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: NTC Thermistors
描述: NTC Thermistors NTC THERMISTOR 30K OHM 1.0C BEAD
ProductCategory: NTCThermistors Manufacturer: USSensor Series: PX BParameter: 3892K Resistance: 30kOhms Tolerance: 1C TerminationStyle: Radial Diameter: 0.095in Packaging: Bulk Brand: USSensor MaximumOperatingTemperature: +150C TemperatureCoefficient: -4.4%/C Type: NTC