供应商: DigiKey
分类: 编码器
描述: Rotary Encoder 光学 10 正交(增量)
类别: 传感器,变送器 制造商: Out of Bounds 系列: Out of Bounds 零件状态: Out of Bounds 编码器类型: Out of Bounds 输出类型: Out of Bounds 每转脉冲数: Out of Bounds 电压-电源: Out of Bounds 致动器类型: Out of Bounds 棘爪: Out of Bounds 内置开关: Out of Bounds 安装类型: Out of Bounds 朝向: Out of Bounds 端子类型: Out of Bounds 旋转寿命(最少次数): Out of Bounds
供应商: DigiKey
分类: 圆形连接器
描述: 4 位置 圆形连接器 插座,公形引脚 焊杯 金
类别: 连接器,互连器件 制造商: Out of Bounds 系列: Out of Bounds 包装: Out of Bounds 零件状态: Out of Bounds 连接器类型: Out of Bounds 针脚数: Out of Bounds 外壳尺寸-插件: Out of Bounds 外壳尺寸,MIL: Out of Bounds 安装类型: Out of Bounds 安装特性: Out of Bounds 端接: Out of Bounds 紧固类型: Out of Bounds 朝向: Out of Bounds 外壳材料: Out of Bounds 外壳表面: Out of Bounds 触头表面处理-配接: Out of Bounds 颜色: Out of Bounds 侵入防护: Out of Bounds 材料可燃性等级: Out of Bounds 特性: Out of Bounds 屏蔽: Out of Bounds 额定电流: Out of Bounds 额定电压: Out of Bounds 工作温度: Out of Bounds 后壳材料,镀层: Out of Bounds 电缆开口: Out of Bounds 触头材料: Out of Bounds 触头表面处理厚度-配接: Out of Bounds 嵌件材料: Out of Bounds 应用: Out of Bounds
供应商: DigiKey
分类: DC 风扇
描述: Fan 管轴式 3VDC 方形 - 35mm 长 x 35mm 高 滚珠 3 引线
类别: 风扇,热管理 制造商: Out of Bounds 系列: Out of Bounds 零件状态: Out of Bounds 电压-额定: Out of Bounds 大小/尺寸: Out of Bounds 宽度: Out of Bounds 气流: Out of Bounds 静压力: Out of Bounds 轴承类型: Out of Bounds 风扇类型: Out of Bounds 特性: Out of Bounds 噪声: Out of Bounds RPM: Out of Bounds 端接: Out of Bounds 侵入防护: Out of Bounds 工作温度: Out of Bounds 认可: Out of Bounds 重量: Out of Bounds 额定电流(安培): Out of Bounds 电压范围: Out of Bounds 材料-框架: Out of Bounds 材料-刀片: Out of Bounds 不同温度时的使用寿命: Out of Bounds
供应商: DigiKey
分类: 圆形连接器
描述: 位置 圆形连接器
类别: 连接器,互连器件 制造商: Out of Bounds 系列: * 零件状态: Out of Bounds
供应商: DigiKey
分类: 逻辑 - 触发器
类别: 集成电路(IC) 制造商: Out of Bounds 系列: Out of Bounds 包装: Out of Bounds 零件状态: Out of Bounds 功能: Out of Bounds 类型: Out of Bounds 输出类型: Out of Bounds 元件数: 1 每元件位数: 8 时钟频率: 125MHz 不同V,最大CL时的最大传播延迟: Out of Bounds 触发器类型: Out of Bounds 电流-输出高,低: Out of Bounds 电压-电源: Out of Bounds 电流-静态(Iq): 10µA 输入电容: 4pF 工作温度: Out of Bounds 安装类型: Out of Bounds 封装/外壳: Out of Bounds
供应商: DigiKey
分类: 接线座 - 接头,插头和插口
描述: 4 位 端接块 接头,公引脚,带罩(4 面) 0.150"(3.81mm) 90°,直角 通孔
类别: 连接器,互连器件 制造商: Out of Bounds 系列: Out of Bounds 包装: Out of Bounds 零件状态: Out of Bounds 类型: Out of Bounds 针脚数: Out of Bounds 每级针脚数: Out of Bounds 级别数: Out of Bounds 间距: Out of Bounds 针座方向: Out of Bounds 插线入口: Out of Bounds 端子类型: Out of Bounds 安装类型: Out of Bounds 电流-IEC: Out of Bounds 电压-IEC: 250V 电流-UL: 8A 电压-UL: 300V 线规或范围-AWG: Out of Bounds 线规或范围- mm²: Out of Bounds 颜色: Out of Bounds 工作温度: Out of Bounds 触头配接表面处理: Out of Bounds 特性: Out of Bounds 材料可燃性等级: Out of Bounds 侵入防护: Out of Bounds 螺丝尺寸: Out of Bounds 扭矩-螺丝: Out of Bounds 电线剥皮长度: Out of Bounds 触头材料: Out of Bounds 外壳材料: Out of Bounds 触头尾长: Out of Bounds 绝缘高度: Out of Bounds
供应商: DigiKey
分类: 热敏 - 散热器
描述: Heat Sink 分类(BGA,LGA,CPU,ASIC……) 铝 顶部安装
类别: 风扇,热管理 制造商: Out of Bounds 系列: Out of Bounds 零件状态: Out of Bounds 类型: Out of Bounds 冷却封装: Out of Bounds 接合方法: Out of Bounds 形状: Out of Bounds 长度: Out of Bounds 宽度: Out of Bounds 直径: Out of Bounds 离基底高度(鳍片高度): Out of Bounds 不同温升时功率耗散: Out of Bounds 不同强制气流时的热阻: Out of Bounds 自然条件下热阻: Out of Bounds 材料: Out of Bounds 材料镀层: Out of Bounds
供应商: DigiKey
分类: 薄膜电容器
描述: 0.39µF 薄膜电容器 630V 聚酯,金属化 径向
类别: 电容器 制造商: Out of Bounds 系列: Out of Bounds 包装: Out of Bounds 零件状态: Out of Bounds 电容: 0.39µF 容差: Out of Bounds 额定电压-AC: Out of Bounds 额定电压-DC: Out of Bounds 介电材料: Out of Bounds 工作温度: Out of Bounds 安装类型: Out of Bounds 封装/外壳: Out of Bounds 大小/尺寸: Out of Bounds 高度-安装(最大值): Out of Bounds 端接: Out of Bounds 引线间距: Out of Bounds 应用: Out of Bounds 等级: Out of Bounds 特性: Out of Bounds
供应商: DigiKey
分类: 按钮开关
描述: 耐破坏,发光式 按钮开关 SPDT 前面板安装
类别: 开关 制造商: Out of Bounds 系列: - 包装: Out of Bounds 零件状态: Out of Bounds 类型: Out of Bounds 电路: Out of Bounds 开关功能: Out of Bounds 额定电流(安培): Out of Bounds 额定电压-DC: 250V 致动器类型: Out of Bounds 颜色-致动器/盖帽: Out of Bounds 照明类型,颜色: Out of Bounds 照明电压(标称值): Out of Bounds 安装类型: Out of Bounds 端子类型: Out of Bounds 侵入防护: Out of Bounds 特性: Out of Bounds 面板开口尺寸: Out of Bounds 工作温度: Out of Bounds 机械寿命: Out of Bounds 电气寿命: Out of Bounds
供应商: DigiKey
分类: 卡边缘连接器 - 边缘板连接器
描述: 48 Position 母头 Connector 非指定 - 双边 金 0.156"(3.96mm) 绿色
类别: 连接器,互连器件 制造商: Out of Bounds 系列: - 包装: Out of Bounds 零件状态: Out of Bounds 卡类型: Out of Bounds 公母: Out of Bounds 位/盘/排数: Out of Bounds 针脚数: Out of Bounds 卡厚度: Out of Bounds 间距: Out of Bounds 读数: Out of Bounds 特性: Out of Bounds 安装类型: Out of Bounds 端接: Out of Bounds 触头材料: Out of Bounds 触头镀层: Out of Bounds 触头镀层厚度: Out of Bounds 触头类型: Out of Bounds 颜色: Out of Bounds 法兰特性: Out of Bounds 工作温度: Out of Bounds 材料-绝缘: Out of Bounds