Eurotech is a global company with a strong international focus: born and still headquartered in Italy, it has operating locations in Europe, North America and Japan.
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: RF Modules
描述: RF Modules IP67 Rugged Cell Adapter 3G Pentaband
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: RF Modules
描述: RF Modules IP67 Rugged Cell Adapter 3G Pentaband
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Computadora en un Módulo (COM)
描述: Computadora en un Módulo (COM) 800MHz 512MB RAM Soldered Memory
Categoríadeproducto: ComputadoraenunMódulo(COM) Fabricante: Eurotech Marcadelprocesador: Freescale Tipodeprocesador: FreescaleP1021 Frecuencia: 800MHz Tamañodememoria: 1GB Tipodeinterfaz: I2C,PCIe,SPI,UART,USB Voltajedealimentaciónoperativo: 12V Temperaturadetrabajomáxima: +50C Dimensiones: 95mmx95mm Marca: Eurotech MemoriaCaché: 32kB,256kB Descripción/Función: Idealforcommunicationsdevices,networkingapplications,orgatewaydesigns Flash: 2GB Tipodememoria: DDR3 Temperaturadetrabajomínima: 0C Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Computadora en un Módulo (COM)
描述: Computadora en un Módulo (COM) 800MHz 512MB RAM Soldered Memory
Categoríadeproducto: ComputadoraenunMódulo(COM) Fabricante: Eurotech Marcadelprocesador: Freescale Tipodeprocesador: FreescaleP1021 Frecuencia: 800MHz Tamañodememoria: 1GB Tipodeinterfaz: I2C,PCIe,SPI,UART,USB Voltajedealimentaciónoperativo: 12V Temperaturadetrabajomáxima: +50C Dimensiones: 95mmx95mm Marca: Eurotech MemoriaCaché: 32kB,256kB Descripción/Función: Idealforcommunicationsdevices,networkingapplications,orgatewaydesigns Flash: 2GB Tipodememoria: DDR3 Temperaturadetrabajomínima: 0C Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Development Boards & Kits - Other Processors
描述: Development Boards & Kits - Other Processors BITSY XB Dev Kit MarvellPXA270 624MHz
ProductCategory: DevelopmentBoards&Kits-OtherProcessors Manufacturer: Eurotech Product: DevelopmentKits ToolIsForEvaluationOf: BitsyXb Core: MarvellPXA270 Brand: Eurotech Description/Function: BITSYXBdevelopmentkitMarvellPXA270624MHz,64MBDRAM,32MBflash,LCD,touchscreen,withadapterboardwithcompactflash,noethernet,Linux ForUseWith: BitsyXb InterfaceType: I2C,Serial,SPI,USB OperatingSupplyVoltage: 16V
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Development Boards & Kits - Other Processors
描述: Development Boards & Kits - Other Processors BITSY XB Dev Kit MarvellPXA270 624MHz
ProductCategory: DevelopmentBoards&Kits-OtherProcessors Manufacturer: Eurotech Product: DevelopmentKits ToolIsForEvaluationOf: BitsyXb Core: MarvellPXA270 Brand: Eurotech Description/Function: BITSYXBdevelopmentkitMarvellPXA270624MHz,64MBDRAM,32MBflash,LCD,touchscreen,withadapterboardwithcompactflash,noethernet,Linux ForUseWith: BitsyXb InterfaceType: I2C,Serial,SPI,USB OperatingSupplyVoltage: 16V
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Display Modules
描述: Display Modules 12.1"LCDTouchMonitor RS232w/2m VGA&RS; Cbl
ProductCategory: DisplayModules Manufacturer: Eurotech Product: TFT-LCDDisplays Type: Resistive DisplayResolution-Pixels: 800x600 Diagonal: 12.1in BacklightType: LCD InterfaceType: RS-232,USB OperatingSupplyVoltage: 110VACto220VAC MaximumOperatingTemperature: +45C Brand: Eurotech Dimensions: 350mmx280mmx67.5mm MinimumOperatingTemperature: 0C FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Display Modules
描述: Display Modules 12.1"LCDTouchMonitor RS232w/2m VGA&RS; Cbl
ProductCategory: DisplayModules Manufacturer: Eurotech Product: TFT-LCDDisplays Type: Resistive DisplayResolution-Pixels: 800x600 Diagonal: 12.1in BacklightType: LCD InterfaceType: RS-232,USB OperatingSupplyVoltage: 110VACto220VAC MaximumOperatingTemperature: +45C Brand: Eurotech Dimensions: 350mmx280mmx67.5mm MinimumOperatingTemperature: 0C FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Embedded Box Computers
描述: Embedded Box Computers Zypad BR2000 1.3GHz 1GB RAM 16GB
ProductCategory: EmbeddedBoxComputers Manufacturer: Eurotech ProcessorBrand: Intel ProcessorType: IntelAtomE660T Frequency: 1.3GHz MemorySize: 1GB InterfaceType: DIO,Ethernet,PCIe,RS-23/422,USB OperatingSupplyVoltage: 16V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +71C Dimensions: 168mmx107mmx40mm Brand: Eurotech CacheMemory: 32GB Description/Function: Small,durable,andconnectedwearablevehicle-mountedcomputer MemoryType: RAM MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C PowerConsumption: 5W FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Embedded Box Computers
描述: Embedded Box Computers Zypad BR2000 1.3GHz 1GB RAM 16GB
ProductCategory: EmbeddedBoxComputers Manufacturer: Eurotech ProcessorBrand: Intel ProcessorType: IntelAtomE660T Frequency: 1.3GHz MemorySize: 1GB InterfaceType: DIO,Ethernet,PCIe,RS-23/422,USB OperatingSupplyVoltage: 16V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +71C Dimensions: 168mmx107mmx40mm Brand: Eurotech CacheMemory: 32GB Description/Function: Small,durable,andconnectedwearablevehicle-mountedcomputer MemoryType: RAM MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C PowerConsumption: 5W FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Development Boards & Kits - x86
描述: Development Boards & Kits - x86 Dev Kit for CPU-161-17: includes CPU-161-17-03, Carrier Board for COME Compact/Basic Type 6,2x 2GB SODIMM, 1x 64GB SSD, 1x RS-232 Expansion Module, picoATX Power Supply, 100W 100-240VAC OUT 12V 2A IEC320 C14 -> DC JACK, EU/U
ProductCategory: DevelopmentBoards&Kits-x86 Manufacturer: Eurotech Series: CPU-161-17 Product: DevelopmentKits Core: IntelCorei7-6600U ToolIsForEvaluationOf: CPU-161-17-03 Brand: Eurotech FormFactor: COMExpressCompactType6 OperatingSupplyVoltage: 100VACto240VAC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Development Boards & Kits - x86
描述: Development Boards & Kits - x86 Dev Kit for CPU-161-17: includes CPU-161-17-03, Carrier Board for COME Compact/Basic Type 6,2x 2GB SODIMM, 1x 64GB SSD, 1x RS-232 Expansion Module, picoATX Power Supply, 100W 100-240VAC OUT 12V 2A IEC320 C14 -> DC JACK, EU/U
ProductCategory: DevelopmentBoards&Kits-x86 Manufacturer: Eurotech Series: CPU-161-17 Product: DevelopmentKits Core: IntelCorei7-6600U ToolIsForEvaluationOf: CPU-161-17-03 Brand: Eurotech FormFactor: COMExpressCompactType6 OperatingSupplyVoltage: 100VACto240VAC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: RF Modules
描述: RF Modules ReliaCELL 10-20: Cellular Adapter - 3G Dual-band NA, CDMA/EVDO Rev A/1xRTT, GPS+Glonass, Verizon
ProductCategory: RFModules Manufacturer: Eurotech Product: CellularAdapters Frequency: 800MHz,1.9GHz InterfaceType: USB OperatingSupplyVoltage: 5V SupplyCurrentReceiving: 500mA MaximumOperatingTemperature: +85C AntennaConnectorType: SMA Brand: Eurotech Dimensions: 3.56inx1.75inx0.82in MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C FactoryPackQuantity: 100 Part#Aliases: 930128-9020RC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: RF Modules
描述: RF Modules ReliaCELL 10-20: Cellular Adapter - 3G Dual-band NA, CDMA/EVDO Rev A/1xRTT, GPS+Glonass, Verizon
ProductCategory: RFModules Manufacturer: Eurotech Product: CellularAdapters Frequency: 800MHz,1.9GHz InterfaceType: USB OperatingSupplyVoltage: 5V SupplyCurrentReceiving: 500mA MaximumOperatingTemperature: +85C AntennaConnectorType: SMA Brand: Eurotech Dimensions: 3.56inx1.75inx0.82in MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C FactoryPackQuantity: 100 Part#Aliases: 930128-9020RC
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Video Modules
描述: Video Modules CTR-1475 4 Channels MPEG4 Vid Compressor
ProductCategory: VideoModules Manufacturer: Eurotech Product: VideoCompressor VideoFormatSupported: AVI,MPEG-4 Numberofframespersecond: 30fps DisplayResolution-Pixels: 352x288,720x480 OperatingSupplyVoltage: 5V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +85C Dimensions: 96mmx90mm Brand: Eurotech Description/Function: MPEG-4videocompressorwith4inputs MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Video Modules
描述: Video Modules CTR-1475 4 Channels MPEG4 Vid Compressor
ProductCategory: VideoModules Manufacturer: Eurotech Product: VideoCompressor VideoFormatSupported: AVI,MPEG-4 Numberofframespersecond: 30fps DisplayResolution-Pixels: 352x288,720x480 OperatingSupplyVoltage: 5V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +85C Dimensions: 96mmx90mm Brand: Eurotech Description/Function: MPEG-4videocompressorwith4inputs MinimumOperatingTemperature: -40C FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Módulos de Interface
描述: Módulos de Interface AIM104-CAN
Categoriadeproduto: MódulosdeInterface Fabricante: Eurotech Produto: InterfaceBoards Tipo: CAN Númerodecanais/portas: 1Channel Taxadedadosmáxima: 1Mbit/s Tensãodealimentaçãooperacional: 5V Temperaturaoperacionalmáxima: +70C Marca: Eurotech Descrição/Função: PC/104moduleprovidingasinglechannel,opticallyisolated,ControllerAreaNetworkinterface Tipodeinterface: CAN Temperaturaoperacionalmínima: -25C Quantidadedopacotedefábrica: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Módulos de Interface
描述: Módulos de Interface AIM104-CAN
Categoriadeproduto: MódulosdeInterface Fabricante: Eurotech Produto: InterfaceBoards Tipo: CAN Númerodecanais/portas: 1Channel Taxadedadosmáxima: 1Mbit/s Tensãodealimentaçãooperacional: 5V Temperaturaoperacionalmáxima: +70C Marca: Eurotech Descrição/Função: PC/104moduleprovidingasinglechannel,opticallyisolated,ControllerAreaNetworkinterface Tipodeinterface: CAN Temperaturaoperacionalmínima: -25C Quantidadedopacotedefábrica: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Computer-On-Modules - COM
描述: Computer-On-Modules - COM CATALYST LP Intel Atom N450 1.6GHz
ProductCategory: Computer-On-Modules-COM Manufacturer: Eurotech FormFactor: 100mmx67mm ProcessorBrand: Intel ProcessorType: IntelAtomN450 Chipsets: ICH8M Frequency: 1.6GHz MemorySize: 1GB InterfaceType: Audio,I2C,LPC,SMBus,USB,Video OperatingSupplyVoltage: 3.3V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +70C Dimensions: 100mmx67mm BatteryBackupSwitching: NoBackupBattery Brand: Eurotech Flash: 32GB MemoryType: DRAM MinimumOperatingTemperature: 0C PowerConsumption: 7Wto9W FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Computer-On-Modules - COM
描述: Computer-On-Modules - COM CATALYST LP Intel Atom N450 1.6GHz
ProductCategory: Computer-On-Modules-COM Manufacturer: Eurotech FormFactor: 100mmx67mm ProcessorBrand: Intel ProcessorType: IntelAtomN450 Chipsets: ICH8M Frequency: 1.6GHz MemorySize: 1GB InterfaceType: Audio,I2C,LPC,SMBus,USB,Video OperatingSupplyVoltage: 3.3V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +70C Dimensions: 100mmx67mm BatteryBackupSwitching: NoBackupBattery Brand: Eurotech Flash: 32GB MemoryType: DRAM MinimumOperatingTemperature: 0C PowerConsumption: 7Wto9W FactoryPackQuantity: 1