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供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: General Purpose Relays
描述: General Purpose Relays POWER
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: General Purpose Relays
描述: General Purpose Relays POWER
ProductCategory: GeneralPurposeRelays Manufacturer: Fujitsu Product: SlimFormRelay CoilVoltage: 48VDC ContactForm: SPST(1FormA) ContactTermination: SolderPin MountingStyle: ThroughHole CoilTermination: SolderPin CoilType: Non-Latching CoilResistance: 6.4kOhms Series: VE Brand: Fujitsu PowerConsumption: 360mW FactoryPackQuantity: 500
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Ensambles de cable de fibra óptica
描述: Ensambles de cable de fibra óptica 200M PATCH CORD
Categoríadeproducto: Ensamblesdecabledefibraóptica Fabricante: Fujitsu Marca: Fujitsu Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Relés para uso geral
描述: Relés para uso geral POWER
Categoriadeproduto: Relésparausogeral Fabricante: Fujitsu Produto: SlimFormRelay Voltagemdabobina: 18VDC Formuláriodecontato: SPST(1FormA) Classificaçãodacorrentedecontato: 3A Terminaçãodocontato: SolderPin Estilodemontagem: ThroughHole Tensãodecomutação: 250VAC,150VDC Terminaçãodabobina: SolderPin Tipodebobina: Non-Latching Resistênciadabobina: 990Ohms Materialdecontato: Silver(Ag) Série: LZ Marca: Fujitsu Altura: 14.8mm Comprimento: 21.4mm Consumodeenergia: 330mW Quantidadedopacotedefábrica: 50 Largura: 16.4mm
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: I/O Connectors
描述: I/O Connectors
ProductCategory: I/OConnectors Manufacturer: Fujitsu Product: Tools&Accessories Series: FCN-260(D) AccessoryType: FerruleCrimpDies Brand: Fujitsu FactoryPackQuantity: 1 Tradename: microGiGaCN
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: General Purpose Relays
描述: General Purpose Relays POWER
ProductCategory: GeneralPurposeRelays Manufacturer: Fujitsu Product: SlimFormRelay CoilVoltage: 5VDC ContactForm: SPST(1FormA) ContactCurrentRating: 5A ContactTermination: SolderPin MountingStyle: ThroughHole SwitchingVoltage: 250VAC,150VDC CoilTermination: SolderPin CoilType: Non-Latching CoilResistance: 80Ohms ContactMaterial: SilverNickel(AgNi) Series: LZ Brand: Fujitsu Height: 14.8mm Length: 21.4mm PowerConsumption: 33mW FactoryPackQuantity: 50 Width: 16.4mm
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Реле общего назначения
描述: Реле общего назначения POWER
Категорияпродукта: Релеобщегоназначения Производитель: Fujitsu Продукт: PowerRelay Тип: HighSensitivity Напряжениекатушки: 12VDC Формаконтакта: SPDT(1FormC) Номинальныйтокчерезконтакт: 5A Концеваязаделкаконтактов: SolderPin Видмонтажа: ThroughHole Переключающеенапряжение: 250VAC,150VDC Нагрузкакатушки: SolderPin Типкатушки: Non-Latching Сопротивлениекатушки: 320Ohms Материалконтакта: Silver(Ag) Торговаямарка: Fujitsu Высота: 14.8mm Длина: 21.4mm Потребляемаямощность: 450mW Серия: LZ Размерфабричнойупаковки: 50 Ширина: 16.4mm
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: General Purpose Relays
描述: General Purpose Relays POWER
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: LCD Touch Panels
描述: LCD Touch Panels 3.8" Pen & Finger
ProductCategory: LCDTouchPanels Manufacturer: Fujitsu Series: FID-550 Style: Pen&Finger Size: 3.8in InsulationResistance: 10MOhms OperatingSupplyVoltage: 7V Brand: Fujitsu ForUseWith: 4Wire FactoryPackQuantity: 180
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: General Purpose Relays
描述: General Purpose Relays POWER